Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade
The Institute of Environmental Economics and World Trade (IUW) at Leibniz Universität Hannover (Faculty of Economics) focuses on topics related to development, environment, sustainability and trade. Specifically, research includes climate change impacts, energy and water management, business competitiveness, digitalization, and migration. In addition, the IUW focuses on value chain analysis in the agricultural and industrial sectors, risk analysis related to shocks, sustainability analysis, and measurements of food security, poverty, and (in)equality. In addition, importance is attached to agricultural, trade, climate and land use policies at national, multinational and international levels. Geographic focus is on Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Europe.
Dr. Etti Winter and her project group focus on economic analyses. This includes, for example, considerations of (global) value chains, selected economic sectors, and gross domestic product and employment effects. National data sets (e.g. national accounts) are analyzed and processed by means of so-called equilibrium modeling. As part of a sub-project of the Cluster of Excellence “Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation (SE²A)”, a macroeconomic assessment of the use of hydrogen (H2) in German aviation is currently being conducted. Future H2 supply and demand forecasts as well as governmental intervention options are considered and simulated. Related preliminary work/results can be referred to in the HyNEAT project.
Etti Winter
Tel.: +49 511 762 19966